We aim to ensure that during their time at St Augustine’s, children receive a Personal Development curriculum that provides them with the knowledge that they need to make decisions, to be resilient and to develop their character and personality. We teach positive behaviours that are expected in school. We provide these rich experiences in a coherently planned way, through our curriculum and extra-curricular activities. 

Children at St Augustine’s Primary School know and understand their role in society and contribute positively to the community. They are tolerant and understand that everyone has a voice and should be listened to and respected. They leave primary school with our core values 

We believe it is our responsibility to show our children that there is a world of possibility awaiting the outside the gates of St Augustine’s. We strive to encourage a love of learning, and a metacognitive understanding of how we can best learn and self-regulate that will continue into secondary school and beyond. 

At St Augustine’s we also ensure we teach the following key aspects of Personal Development: 


Healthy & Safe Behaviours – include our Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) curriculum, Relationship and Sex Education (RSE), Physical Health, Mental Health and Wellbeing and wider aspects of safety, including online and e-safety. 


Citizenship Development – includes the development of the knowledge children need to prepare them to play a full and active part of the society. The children’s behaviour and wider, extra-curricular opportunities for the children to engage with. 

Development of Character – encompasses our high expectations and aspiration for all. Children at St Augustine’s behave well. Show respect and tolerance to all, with everyone being welcome.  

British Values – Democracy, Rule of Law, Respect & Tolerance and Individual Liberty. 


Our Personal Development Curriculum encompasses many elements:

  • PSHE/RSE Curriculum
  • Catholic Life
  • British Values
  • Pupil Voice
  • Sporting Events
  • School Clubs and enrichment after school
  • Wider Curriculum & trips
  • Wider Opportunities
  • Careers
  • Praise culture
  • Our Trust Character Virtues

PSHE/RSE Curriculum

Our PSHE/RSE curriculum covers the following areas: protected characteristics, safeguarding (including road safety), sexual harassment, child on child abuse, online safety, anti-bullying and financial education. 

Catholic Life

Christ is at the centre of all that we do at St. Augustine’s. As a member of the Bishop Hogarth Catholic Education Trust, we strive to offer our children as many opportunities to respond to the call to 'live and serve' in the Catholic community. Catholic Social Teaching underpins our policies and practices with the most vulnerable always at the centre.

Mrs Barr, runs our Chaplaincy Team which is made up of Year 5 pupils. 

Our Mini Vinnies, also led by Mrs Barr, turn concern into action by organising and running several events across the liturgical calendar. During Harvest, they organise donations to the food bank and work alongside our School Council at Christmas and deliver Christmas Hampers to our parishioners. 

We are a Eucharistic community and have strong parish links. We join our parish family for the celebration of mass regularly with our Leaders of Youth meeting and greeting at Mass and reading. Our school actively supports the sacramental preparation programme for First Holy Communion.

Catholic Life, Enrichment & Wider Opportunities Calendar

Fundamental British Values

The teaching of British Values is woven throughout the curriculum. 

British Values at St Augustine's

Here is our Pupil Parliament representative from St Augustine's.  Sam represents the school at Pupil Parliament events held by Bishop Hogarth Education Trust, feeding back to children at St Augustine's.


Pupil Voice

At St. Augustine's, our Pupil Voice groups are a whole-school commitment to listening to the views, wishes and experiences of all our pupils by providing them with meaningful opportunities to share their experiences and hopes about school. Pupils at St. Augustine's know that it is important for them to express their views, that their opinion is valued and that their contributions will be listened to and considered.

Our Pupil Voice groups include: School Council, Well-being Champs, Mini Vinnies, Reading Ambassadors, History Ambassadors, Ambassadors, Chaplaincy Team , Sports Leaders and Playground Buddies.

Take a look at our Pupil Leadership page!

Sporting Events

As a member of Darlington Schools Partnership, children are given the opportunity to participate in activities that include Football, Cross country, Golf, Multi sports, Netball and Cricket across the year.  By participating in competitions and festivals our pupils receive the opportunity to develop their confidence and resilience whilst working as team.

Our Girls' Football Team who have been such a great team - representing Darlington in the semi finals in Staveley.


School Clubs

Our extra-curricular clubs include arts & crafts, film club, reading club, football, golf, cricket, textiles, cooking and gardening.

Our School choir took part in the Mayor's Song Contest. They were superb representing the school.


Wider Curriculum

Local trips are linked to the curriculum and include visits to the library, Hullabaloo, Darlington historic walk and the Hippodrome theatre. In addition to local community trips the children experience trips further afield which can include the Life Centre in Newcastle, Hardwick Park.  Year 6 children have the opportunity to take part in a 2 night residential at an outdoor activity centre.


Wider Opportunities

Throughout the year we participate in many national wider opportunities including: Science Week, Black History Month, Anti-Bullying Week.

We also enhance opportunities and learning for our children at St Augustine's.

On World Bee Day we had a visit from a local Beekeeper who told us lots of interesting facts about bees.  It was enjoyed by both children and staff!





We participate in National Careers' week during the course of the academic year.  This year we tied in Science week with STEM careers.  We will also be holding an additional week in July to help guide, inspire and support our children in their aspirations and become excited about their future pathways.  We invite professionals from a variety of careers to speak to the children about their journeys through education and beyond.


Positive Ethos

Our behaviour policy reflects a positive ethos throughout the school. We celebrate a star of the week assembly each week, recognise children's achievement s with the half term recognition award, send positive post cards home and celebrate successes with all adults within the school.


To celebrate achievements within school we hold an annual prize giving for our Year 6 class to acknowledge and mark all their accomplishments during their time at St Augustine's!