At St. Augustine’s School we recognise our duty to prepare our children for life in modern Britain and to keep them safe. Our Mission Statement identifies our commitment to the full development of every individual and this reaches beyond our school family to the parish, local community and the wider world.

Our ethos, vision and mission reinforce British values; promoting respect and tolerance for all cultures, faiths and lifestyles.


Democratic values are an explicit part of the ethos at St. Augustine’s School. All adults listen to the views of pupils and value their opinions. Pupils have further opportunities to have their voices heard through their elected School Council and the collection of pupil views e.g. in lesson observations also through the use of ‘thought boards’ where everyone is invited to contribute views and ideas on a particular topic.

The Rule of Law

School follows an assertive discipline policy through which children learn the importance of laws/rules to keep everyone safe. Through consistent application of the policy children learn that there are consequences when laws/rules are broken. Class/group discussions. The Junior Neighbourhood Watch programme takes place in Year 5; helping to reinforce messages about right and wrong behaviour

Individual Liberty

Pupils are encouraged to be independent learners, making choices within a safe and supportive environment. Through positive discipline, and rewards, Religious Education and the Statements to Live By Programme children develop self-esteem and self-confidence. They are helped to understand their personal freedoms and are taught how to use these rights to best effect; recognising that rights match responsibility. Children are very keen to support a variety of charities; local, national and global. Children are taught about different aspects of safety including E-Safety, dangers of substance abuse, Stranger danger, fire safety. All of this supports them in making safer choices.

Mutual Respect

The school’s ethos is created by the living out of gospel values. The ‘Statements To Live By’ Programme provides a weekly focus linked to R.E. themes and topics which emphasise, self -respect and respect for others. Pupils work collaboratively and learn to value the opinions of others. Awards Assembly and ‘Show and Tell’ sessions provide regular opportunities for children to share achievements beyond school and/or special events from family life which are acknowledged, valued and celebrated by the school community.

Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs.

Through our Religious Education Curriculum and the spiritual life of the school, children are positively aware of the diversity of society and the right for each person to be respected and valued equally regardless of ability gender, faith, heritage or race. Diversity within the School is celebrated and children and their parents are encouraged to share information about their own cultural activities e.g. Christmas and Easter traditions in Poland, Spain, Italy. Members of different faiths or religions are invited to school to enhance the children’s learning and to

British Values in the Curriculum

R.E. topics and Collective Worship promote love and care for others, understanding of moral choices and provide an opportunity to learn about people of other faiths.

A range of curriculum topics have strong links to British History e.g. Victorians, Florence Nightingale, Remembrance, and special work takes place to ensure that national events which reflect modern British culture are celebrated including the King's Coronation, the Tour De France , the London Olympics.


British Values at St Augustine's