EYFS Policy


Our Mission


‘Inspiring, nurturing and enabling lifelong learners’


To create confident and independent learners who have the skills and knowledge needed to be the best that they can be and who serve each other in a loving Catholic community.  


Every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to fulfill their potential. Children develop quickly in the early years and a child’s experiences between birth and age five have a major impact on their future life chances. A secure, safe and happy childhood is important in its own right. Good parenting and high-quality early learning together provide the foundation children need to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow up.

(Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage DfE March 2014).


Our Intent


As adults we support our children by:

• fostering a desire to learn by nurturing active questioning and an awareness of the world around them.

• encouraging children to express their thoughts and ideas in a variety of situations.

• helping children to become competent speakers and listeners.

• developing confidence by praising success and encouraging effort.

• learning through play and experience learning first hand.





Our early years setting follows the curriculum as outlined in the 2023 statutory framework of the EYFS.

There are seven areas of learning and development that must shape educational programmes in early year’s settings. All areas of learning and development are equally important and inter-connected. Three areas are particularly crucial for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning and for building their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive.

The three PRIME AREAS are:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Physical Development
  • Communication & Language


In addition to these prime areas there are four specific areas which include essential skills and knowledge for children to participate successfully in society.


The four SPECIFIC AREAS are:

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

These areas are delivered throughout the topic and linked closely together. They are equally important and depend on each other. All areas are delivered through a balance of adult led and child-initiated activities.

The EYFS class has their own outdoor area that is used all year round, in all weathers. Being outdoors encourages learning in different ways. It offers the children more opportunities to be creative and explore on a larger scale as well as to be physically active linking the indoors and outdoors together.


In addition to the areas of learning, we strive for our children to develop effective Characteristics of Effective Learning which will enable them to become learners for life.

Playing and exploring – children investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’

Active learning – children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements

Creating and thinking critically – children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things



Our Implementation



The EYFS is based upon four principles:

  • every child is a unique child, who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured;
  • children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships;
  • children learn and develop well in enabling environments, in which their experiences respond to their individual needs and there is a strong partnership between practitioners and parents and/or carers;
  • children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates.


Enabling Environments

In EYFS we aim to recognise children’s prior learning, both from previous settings and their experiences at home. We work in partnership with parents, carers, and other settings to provide the best possible start at St Augustine’s, ensuring each individual reaches their full potential from their various starting points. Our pedagogical approach allows the children to thrive by experiencing an enriched learning environment where they can learn through play, both indoors and outdoors.. The role of both the indoor and outdoor environment in learning/organisation of learning provides opportunities for child-initiated activities reflecting the topic where they can develop gross motor skills, social skills etc. We provide stimulating resources which are accessible and open-ended so they can be used, moved and combined in a variety of ways.  Pupils learn through a balance of both adult led and child-initiated learning opportunities. The timetables are structured carefully to provide a rich and varied creative curriculum, and changes throughout the year to take into consideration the changing needs of the children.



The impact of our EYFS curriculum is measured by how effectively it helps our children develop into well rounded individuals who embody our school values and carry with them the knowledge, skills and attitudes which will make them lifelong learners and valuable future citizens. Our children have varied and diverse starting points. At St Augustine’s we have high expectations to ensure that all children make ‘strong progress’ across all of the areas of the EYFS curriculum.


A Unique Child

At St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School we recognise that every child is a competent learner who can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured. Our classrooms have been designed to promote the importance of the unique child and understand that every child learns in different ways. They aim to capture the interests of all our pupils through designated areas for construction and building play, small world imaginary play, dry and wet sand trays, water play, playdough area, a realistic home corner, open ended role play (topic related), maths areas, literacy areas, ICT, and creative stations. Provision is changed and adapted regular based on children’s themes and interests. Children’s attitudes and dispositions to learning are influenced by their school and home environments and we begin to build links with the families. We observe how each child learns to gain an understanding of the characteristics they develop to become effective learners. We use questioning, praise and encouragement to develop a positive attitude to learning and high self-esteem. During their first year at school, the children are introduced to the learning habits. They are taught to be observant, investigative, curious, determined, imaginative, adventurous, co-operative and to use reasoning. Children begin to understand the concept of the growth mindset. They are taught that they can ‘grow their brains’ so that they understand that everyone can learn with practice and effort.  The children are taught how to learn and how to become successful learners.



All children and their families are valued within our school. We value the diversity of individuals within the school and do not discriminate because of differences. All children at St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School are treated fairly, regardless of race, religion or stage of learning. We do not group children based on notions of fixed ability.  In the early years the children begin to learn to take responsibility for their learning and begin to understand the concept of challenge. We give our children every opportunity to achieve their best by taking account of our children’s range of life experiences when planning for their learning. Planning for children with additional needs is in line with the Special Educational Needs & Disability policy.


In the EYFS we have realistic and challenging expectations and meet the needs of all our children through:

  • planning opportunities that build upon and extend children’s knowledge, experience and interests and develop their self-esteem and confidence through a creative curriculum and learning environment
  • using a wide range of teaching strategies based on children’s learning needs
  • providing a wide range of opportunities and environments to motivate and support children and to help them to learn effectively
  • providing a safe and supportive learning environment in which each child’s contribution is valued
  • monitoring children’s progress and taking action to provide support as necessary


Positive Relationships

At St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School we recognise that children learn to be confident and independent through the development of secure relationships. We develop caring, respectful, professional relationships with the children and their families.


Parents as Partners

We recognise the important role parents play in educating the children. We do this by:

  • talking to parents about their child before their child starts our school;
  • inviting the children to spend time with their teacher in the classroom before starting at school
  • inviting all parents to an induction meeting during the term before their child starts school
  • encouraging parents to attend consultation meetings in the first two terms to discuss their child’s progress
  • providing parents with a written report on their child’s attainment and progress at the end of each school year
  • encouraging parents to contribute through Class Dojo.
  • providing workshops to enhance parents understanding. We have, to date, provided workshops on early reading and phonics and developing early maths skills.


Observation, Assessment and Planning


At St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School, ongoing assessment is an integral part of the learning and development processes. These observations are undertaken by teachers and teaching assistants and are recorded in a variety of forms in the class floorbook.


Staff observe pupils to identify their level of achievement, interests and learning styles. These observations are used to shape future planning. Practitioners also consider observations shared by parents/carers. Throughout each child’s time within the Early Years, class floorbooks are compiled to celebrate achievements and independent evidence of attainment throughout the EYFS referencing Development Matters and the Early Learning Goals.


At the end of the EYFS, staff complete the EYFS profile for each child. Pupils are assessed against the 17 Early Learning Goals, indicating whether they are: not yet reaching expected levels (‘emerging’) or meeting expected levels of development. The profile reflects ongoing observations and discussions with parents/carers. The results of the profile are then shared with parents/carers and the Local Authority. Progress meetings are planned termly with teacher’s, key people and SENCO’s, to discuss and moderate children’s attainment and consider support, interventions or further challenge.


Our Impact


Through implementing the above:

  • Children’s progress is at least good from their varied starting points
  • Children reach the Early Learning Goals at the end of the Reception year
  • Class teachers make formative assessments which inform in the moment or future planning and ensure that all pupils build on their current knowledge and skills at a good pace
  • Judgements are moderated both in school and externally amongst BHCET schools
  • Children are ready to transition from the Early Years curriculum to Year 1
  • Children demonstrate curiosity, independence, resilience and other Characteristics of Effective Learning


Safeguarding and welfare procedures


Our safeguarding and welfare procedures are outlined in our safeguarding policy.


Role of the subject leader

At. St. Augustine’s the EYFS lead:

  • Ensure teachers are up to date with changes to EYFS.
  • Leads by example by setting high standards in their own teaching.
  • Prepares, organises and leads CPD and staff meetings.
  • Works alongside the SENCO to record up to date observations and plans timely interventions.
  • Observes colleagues teaching with a view to identifying any support needed.
  • Attends CPD provided by BHCET and other providers where needed.
  • Attends termly cluster meetings led by LA and BHCET.
  • Ensures that data is updated/analysed each term.
  • Leads the parent meeting in the summer term for the new starters, and liaises with feeder nurseries for a smooth transition.


This policy will be monitored, evaluated and reviewed on an annual basis by the Head Teacher, EYFS, governors and whole staff.

September 2023